You don’t have to travel to Africa to view authentic African art.
A family business owned and operated by Keith Washington and Wallene Jones since 1981. Originally located in New York, we have been in business in Atlanta since 1997.
The staff at the Gems of Africa Gallery is dedicated to presenting you the best of African Art. To ensure the quality of their merchandise and to keep abreast of new artists and artifacts available, they travel to Africa twice a year and hand pick all of the items for the gallery. Many of the artists that they deal with are not interested in the marketing aspect of the business, so they provide the marketing expertise for them.
They are Atlanta’s leading resource in contemporary African art. Featuring original paintings, Shona sculptures, Tribal masks, South African pottery, Ngwenya Glass and many other items which are all hand crafted in Africa. Although they carry art from many countries in Africa, we specialize in original art and sculpture from South Africa and Zimbabwe. Although the actual retail gallery closed at the end of May, the online gallery is free for you to view at Feel free to contact Keith or Wallene at 404-876-8200.