If you’ve seen the Nutcracker more times than you can count then try on a new dance for size. The Hubbard Street Dance Company is boasting their Winter Series at the Harris Theater in Millennium Park, which will blow your Nutcracker-Deja-vu-Blues away. Critically acclaimed for its innovative performances and top echelon of choreographers, when Hubbard Street announces a new series, you’ll want to snag your tickets asap. The billboards for this baby are already adorning all of Chi-town.
Dancing to the “haunting music” of Arvo Pärt by Ohad Naharin and rocking out to ‘Boléro’ by Maurice Ravel, the dancers will have you squirming in your seat awaiting your chance to move. Even if this means nothing to you, isn’t it enough that it’s:
- Inspiring? Yes.
- New? Yes.
- Leaves you with something to talk about? Yes.
So leave Clara and her sugar plum fairies to their ol’ routine this season and support a company that dares to push the envelope.
The Winter Series is from December 3-6, 2009 in Millennium Park, but make sure to check their website for their seasonal series.