Lester Lampert, located on Oak Street in the Gold Coast lives amongst neighbors such as Harry Winston, Hermes and Bvlgari to name a few. But yet it’s possible you’ve not heard the name before — if you’re not a jewelry connoisseur or a Chi-town native. Well, Lester Lampert is both.
One visit to his retail space of dreams, which doubled its original size in 2005, is enough to make anyone weak in the knees. The sparkles, the baubles, the diamonds! But it’s Lester’s unique designs that have gotten him where he is today. Chosen as the designer of the Field Museum‘s most noteworthy gems, Loyola University’s stained glass windows and more Chicago icons, one look and you’ll understand why.
Word of the wise: This is not a store to skip. It is a must visit when in the Windy City…if you like gorgeous things that is.