Tag Archives: Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin – because your feet are worth it!

It is said that every woman needs a little black dress. True! However, I would like to add: every woman needs a pair of Louboutin…or more. Christian Loubutin – the God of all shoes and spoiled legs, no longer needs my modest introduction. This is simply an anthem for the high-heels which can make even my legs look fabulous. Being recognized as the high-end shoe designer who brought stilettos back into fashion, Christian Loubutin is probably one of those brands which will never die. Therefore, despite their outrageous price, every pair of Louboutins can be seen as a smart investment. In New York City, there are two stores – one on Madison, and a very chic one at 59 Horatio, in the West Village. At both locations you will find a friendly staff, and a variety of perfect stilettos.